The School Conundrum

Grant and Maria start kindergarten next year.  It seems like yesterday that they were thawed and transferred, and now we are researching our school options.  Honestly, deciding to adopt embryos was a much easier decision than picking out schools.

Our school district isn’t the best.  We have some really good schools; but we also have some of the lowest performing in the state…and in Kentucky, that’s saying a lot!  We don’t necessarily get to go to the neighborhood public school and I don’t really think that school is the best option.  Of the 5 schools in our public cluster, only one seems to be one we want to be in and it is the furthest from our home.  We’ve got options for “traditional” and “magnet” schools that are better, but everyone else wants those too, so there are no guarantees on getting in.

Most private schools are outside of the realm of affordability, especially since we decided that there is value in Jeremy continuing to stay home to handle school pickups and drops offs, as well as sick days, snow days, breaks and other school activities.

We are also considering a cottage school option. Home school several days a week and the balance of the week in a classroom setting.  We have started a pre-K curriculum to try out the concept.   Our dining room is being transformed into our school room and Jeremy is already at work with ideas, while Maria is plotting her morning strategy in order to be able to hold the flag during the pledge of allegiance.

This will definitely be a learning experience for all of us!

One thought on “The School Conundrum

  1. I just want to say homeschooling has it’s rewards. Our son was born in Oct which fell after the cut off date for starting school last year. We did a K curriculum last year and it was great. If you have access to a good support group I would go the route of home school. We love it. Where we live public school’s are the lowest in out state and the private schools are way too expensive for a one income family. I decided to stay home when he was born and wouldn’t want to trade the time we have together for anything. My son is bright and articulate and can get along with anyone even though he is an only he is far more socialized than his friends that go to preschool. it’s a wonderful time of growing and learning for us. We just started our new school year this year and are having fun so far.

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